Another our age each year is a milestone and look forward to many more. Yesterday, January 30th, was my husband's 75th Birthday...we have known each other for over 55 years. We raised 3 children back in Angola NY, and now as adults we all reside in Arizona within 2-20 miles from each other. We are lucky to have 5 Grandchildren in the family...2 reside in Arizona. The other three grandchildren...2 are near/in Buffalo NY and 1 outside of Washington DC...but we are blessed with their occasional visits to Arizona. Our gatherings are small, but none-the-less we have fun celebrations and usually capture them pretty good in pictures.
Our family photographer, my daughter, left her camera home, so these pictures were taken with her IPhone. I was so busy looking for a candle that I didn't think to give her my camera...but they all turned fact interesting trying to determine whether the rays are the flashlight, candle or lighter. Of course we interrupted his first attempt to blow out the finally lit candle to sing our usual "very out of tune" Happy Birthday. Everyone has their own rendition, but we manage to get through at least the first verse and sometimes go to the second. My Dad always said "Our family can't carry a tune in a basket" but we sure tried. While we were all laughing so hard after the song, Grandpa blew out the candle, but it wasn't captured in a picture.

Also submitted to:
"Anything Goes"
CTMH Products Unless Otherwise Specified:
Design Paper
Paper Fundamentals - Whimsey "Crystal Blue"
White Daisy used for Layering, Peacock, Crystal Blue
Stamp Set
D1529 Cricut Artiste Collection Birthday
Die-Cuts from Cricut Design Space
CTMH Artiste "Balloons"
CTMH Artbooking "Make a Wish"Paper Dolls for Every Day " Flashlight"
Add Text for ABC and Words - Typed, Grouped and Welded
Page Journaling - Microsoft Word
Love how you have used the ABC's as part of the title! Thanks for sharing with us at H2H challenges.
Please wish Darrell a HB2U from us! Nice to make and record memories with the family as we all get older.
What a clever and fun idea idea for the A, B, C...awesome job! Thanks for playing along with Heart 2 Heart Challenges (H2H)!
Brandi R
DT member H2H
I love this layout, especially the balloon layers. Thanks for sharing with us at heart2heart!
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